Three Strategies for Cooperative Learning in the Cloud--In Practice

I watched videos about collaborative learning in the cloud, which essentially walked me through how to use Google with students. This is something I'm already pretty familiar with and good at in my classroom, so I decided to use the poster method the presenter described. Students used an infographic generator to create information about slave resistance in the colonies. They got together with a partner and creatively constructed a virtual poster on topic or person we had covered in class today.
They really liked this because they got to be creative and dig in to a topic they were interested in.

Here it is! This one isn't as colorful as some, but the information is pretty good and in a different format than this student was used to.


  1. It is so much fun to read/see the variety in your posts. From dad jokes to infographics! You are right on track with your blogging. I did notice you have veered a bit from using the reflection models. As you continue to write your reflections be sure the elements of the models are there. As you think about your future reflections, how might you stretch yourself and continue to grow as a reflective practitioner?


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