Trying something in the classroom

What: One thing that I wrote down from conference was "Flippity". I knew it would help me, but I had no idea how much! Another social studies teacher brought it up for groupings, and I knew I had to try it.
It's essentially a Google extension tool that utilizes Sheets and puts your roster on spinner, into groups, pairings, orders, or anything you want. You can also make class review games.

So what: It's a little clunky and not that cute to use, but it's helped me mix up my classes already. My largest class is 16, and they gravitate toward the same people over and over. I love mixing up classes like this!

Now what: Yup. Definitely going to keep using. You have to keep your rosters in a Google Sheet and it makes you a link, but it's so worth it!


  1. Neat! I will have to try it out... You should show me how you use it at our next f2f!

  2. Great idea! I can't wait to also hear about how it went during the next f2f.


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