Snow Dayz on Snow Dayz

It happened again. Woke up at 5 AM like always, rolled over and saw a text from my school: "SPA WILL BE CANCELLED ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20TH DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER". I was too excited to go back to sleep. I watched 3 episodes of The Office and eventually nodded off until about 10 am. Grateful as I was for the extra zzz's, it really threw my plans off.
I bought a house at the end of the year, and closed on it at the end of January. I've been rehabbing it ever since, and getting ready to move this weekend of the 23rd and 24th. A blizzard is also coming the 23rd and 24th, so I moved my moving day to Friday the 22nd. What else was Friday the 22nd? My first, and likely only, observation by my principal. This could be a make or break! Do I drive in the snow in my Honda Fit and huge moving truck or do I reschedule the observation?
I had already taken a half day by his approval, and with our previous schedule (a rotating block schedule), he could still make it, but not this new one. Alas, I had to change my plans yet again to have him observe on a more exciting day.
I am constantly baffled how teaching and my personal life often intersect. The doctor, dentist, therapist, or closing agents on your house REALLY don't care if you have a class of 15 sophomores waiting for you or that you need coverage, but 10:30 on  Tuesday really is the only open time for an appointment for the next three months! I can't simply take time off from my job to attend that, though many other people can. This was rambly, but I hope there was a grain of understanding!


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