Sometimes you gotta call an audible...

Post-Superbowl Sunday I figured I'd have a football theme!

Kolb Model:

I was absent on Friday for my U.S. History class so I had a sub. This sub did not follow my plans of teaching how to write a thesis for a research paper so we were essentially behind when I came back on Monday. Now, I had two lessons to make up in one day given the missing lesson. I thought I would be teaching about outline writing, but if the students didn't have a thesis like they were supposed to, there's no point in writing an outline with no argument!
The first half of class I modeled what a thesis should and shouldn't look like, then gave students 25 minutes to work on their own. The second half of class I explained what an outline for a research paper looks like then gave students another 25 minutes to work on said outline.

This worked pretty well for the most part! I let students know that this wasn't my original plan so we were "calling an audible" and switching up what we were doing today. They worked really well for the majority of the time and I don't think they felt as flustered as I did.

Development of Ideas:
This is not an ideal way to plan a lesson, obviously, but sometimes I think it's necessary to think on my feet and try something new. I once saw a poster that said "keep calm and pretend it's in the lesson plan" and that's how I felt.
Image result for keep calm and pretend it's on the lesson plan

Testing Idea in Practice:
This is not something I want to do every day. I like my plans and I want to stick to them, but sometimes I need to take the temperature of the class more often to switch up what I need to be teaching or doing to activate the brains.


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