Post-Conference Reflection

Activator-This is something I will actually have to harness a bit after I introduce and get my participants hooked. Activator can sometimes seem impatient, so I'll have to keep that in check, especially as a participant
I think I did it! I'm always a bit impatient with waiting for people to wrap up conversations but I let myself go a little bit.

Competitor-I don't think I see this one playing as much a part in this. It's one of the strengths I like the least about myself and I still don't know how this will fit in my seminar.
I'm not sure if I got competitive or not....maybe I just compared the effectiveness of others' seminars to my own?

Context-This is one of my greatest strengths for this April 6 day! I love learning history and building stories, then having something to look forward to to bring it all together really excites me.
I loved helping learners try to think about ways they could implement my role based small group discussion into their own classrooms. I thought this would be wayyyy harder for my elementary folk!

Discipline-Having a two week spring break (I know...) seems great, but I really have to buckle down and spend a few hours planning and solidifying my plan as a seminar leader.
I did it! It happened.

Relator-I think this will be really important as both a leader and participant. I do not have a tough time forming relationships with people, so I think this will be the strength that serves me the best. I aim to get everyone included!
I had so many MB6ers in my group, including Patti, that I felt really comfortable. I also had a bunch of secondary people so I felt more connected to them as we work with the same age group.


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